



Dental veneers, also known as “teeth veneers,“ are very thin materials that are bonded to the fronts of teeth to improve their aesthetics and protect them from further harm. A small amount of tooth enamel is removed during this procedure, and the veneer is then placed on top.

They not only give our teeth the most natural appearance, but they also give them great resilience and strength. Dental veneers are mainly the coloured, tooth-shaped shells that can be made to fit over our teeth and match their size, shape, and colour.

Types of Dental Veneers

Porcelain or resin composites are the two materials that make up the majority of cosmetic dental veneers. Dental veneers made of porcelain are actually made of white, semitransparent ceramic that has been vitrified. While resin veneers are typically thinner than porcelain dental veneers and require less enamel to be removed during placement, resin veneers have lower stain resistance than porcelain dental veneers.

Dental veneers made of porcelain are a very popular procedure. Veneers for the teeth are reasonably priced in India.

Dental Problems and HowThey Are Typically Solved by Veneers

Teeth that are stained/discolored
Teeth with small cracks and breaks
Teeth with tear and wear
Teeth with uneven gap/space between each other
Teeth with uneven shape or misalignment

Advantages of Dental Veneers

As compared to crown treatments, it is typically a minimally invasive dental procedure that doesn’t require extensive shaping or filing of the teeth. They would typically prolong the life of your teeth in addition to improving your smile and other facial features and your oral health.

They could easily blend in with the gum tissues. The best substitute for cosmetic dental procedures, our choice of veneer colour brings our teeth’s colour and shape the closest to those of natural teeth.

At Dr. Praveen’s establishment, our unwavering dedication is directed towards dispensing exquisite oral healthcare within an illuminated and contemporary milieu, wherein eminence and empathy take precedence above all else.

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